Editorial + photo production for CatchLight, Scarlet Macaw Trips, Metta Fund, and LIFE AFAR

CatchLight | Photo Producer: View the available gallery for exhibition, publication, and press from “Status Update" here

Status Update - Exhibition (Producer)

While photo producer at Catchlight, I oversaw a group exhibit, publication, and weekend-long symposium entitled Status Update. Curated by Rian Dundon and Pete Brook, Status Update was comprised of photographs and video about change, chance and inequality in the San Francisco Bay Area. It premiered at SOMArts in San Francisco.


Status Update - Publication (Copyeditor)

A perfect bound, 128-page, softcover book featuring  work by Lily Chen, Janet Delaney, Sergio De La Torre, Rian Dundon, Robert Gumpert, Pendarvis Harshaw, Talia Herman, Elizabeth Lo, Laura Morton, Paccarik Orue, Brandon Tauszik, Joseph Rodriguez, Dai Sugano and Sam Wolson.

Status Update - Symposium (Producer)

Following the publication and exhibit of Status Update, CatchLight produced a weekend of community forums, further screenings, and symposiums that brought together thought leaders, educators, artists, community leaders, and social justice practitioners working within the shifting landscape of the Bay Area in response or conversation with tech money, people, culture, and economies.

With press and writeups in Mother Jones, Stanford University, Mashable, VICE, WIRED, and East Bay Express

CatchLight | Photo Program Manager, Social Media Manager, Communications, Productions + Events, and Editorial support

Oversaw CatchLight Fellowship Program in its inaugural year. Produced seasonal events for culmination of fellowship year that brought together community leaders, philanthropists, activists, and art students for days of interactive dialogue between CatchLight Fellows, media partners (such as The Pulitzer Center, The Marshall Project, and Reveal), and the community. 
Managed, published, disseminated, and archived all images for CatchLight.  Managed Fellows in the field as CatchLight provided the resources, support, connections, and distribution and placement of stories with various media partners, and other platforms and publications.
Produced events for subsidiary CatchLight program, Everyday Bay Area (EDBA), at Google’s Community Space. EDBA sought to explore the “New California Dream,” an extension of Status Update, and continued examination of justice in the Bay Area that explored gender, minority issues, housing, and race.
Photo c. CatchLight Fellow Sarah Blesener  

Photo c. CatchLight Fellow Sarah Blesener  

Photo c. CatchLight Fellow Brian Frank for VICE

Photo c. CatchLight Fellow Brian Frank for VICE

Photo c. CatchLight Fellow Tomas van Houtryve

Photo c. CatchLight Fellow Tomas van Houtryve

Photo c. CatchLight Fellow Sarah Blesener, for Reveal

Photo c. CatchLight Fellow Sarah Blesener, for Reveal

Photo c. CatchLight Fellow Brian Frank

Photo c. CatchLight Fellow Brian Frank

Photo c. CatchLight Fellow Tomas van Houtryve for Hyperallergic (Select press)

Photo c. CatchLight Fellow Tomas van Houtryve for Hyperallergic (Select press)

Photo c. CatchLight Fellow Sarah Blesener, for The California Sunday Magazine

Photo c. CatchLight Fellow Sarah Blesener, for The California Sunday Magazine

Photo c. CatchLight Fellow Brian Frank for The Marshall Project

Photo c. CatchLight Fellow Brian Frank for The Marshall Project

Photo c. CatchLight Fellow Tomas van Houtryve

Photo c. CatchLight Fellow Tomas van Houtryve

Scarlet Macaw Trips | Photo Editor + Social Media Manager

Photo editing and social media marketing for socially-conscious travel startup in Colombia. Commissioned photographers for group trips in Cartagena. Launched and grew social media page from scratch. Managed visual communications for online presence and external marketing.
Managed and grew organization’s archive of images from the region.

Managed and grew organization’s archive of images from the region.

Travel Latina founder Alexandra Tracy in Salento, Colombia

Travel Latina founder Alexandra Tracy in Salento, Colombia

Produced collaboration between TRAVEL LATINA and SCARLET MACAW TRIPS for CONEXION LATINX in the eje cafetero region of Colombia.

This experience was dedicated to personal and professional discovery, cultural growth and understanding via dynamic workshops, classes and immersion activities, dialogue, art-making, and professional, peer-to-peer seminars. Archived and managed images for marketing and web presence

Grew and managed SMT’s social media to reach a mostly womxn-focused demographic of solo travelers to Colombia.

Grew and managed SMT’s social media to reach a mostly womxn-focused demographic of solo travelers to Colombia.

Archived images for/from regional travel in Caribbean, Pacific, Atlantic, and interior regions of Colombia.

Archived images for/from regional travel in Caribbean, Pacific, Atlantic, and interior regions of Colombia.

Aggregated and sourced images from the coffee region (outside of Medellin, Antioquia) for Scarlet Macaw Trips. Archived and managed images for marketing and web presence

Aggregated and sourced images from the coffee region (outside of Medellin, Antioquia) for Scarlet Macaw Trips. Archived and managed images for marketing and web presence

Archived images for/from regional travel in Caribbean, Pacific, Atlantic, and interior regions of Colombia.

Archived images for/from regional travel in Caribbean, Pacific, Atlantic, and interior regions of Colombia.

Managed outgoing visual communication + marketing packets

Managed outgoing visual communication + marketing packets

Produced group trips and commissioned event photographers for in situ events for Scarlet Macaw Trips, ensuring safety for single women traveling to the Caribbean region of Colombia. Archived and managed images for marketing and web presence

Produced group trips and commissioned event photographers for in situ events for Scarlet Macaw Trips, ensuring safety for single women traveling to the Caribbean region of Colombia. Archived and managed images for marketing and web presence

Produced group trips and commissioned event photographers for in situ events for Scarlet Macaw Trips, including “Hit Publish, Cartagena Retreat.” Archived and managed images for marketing and web presence

Produced group trips and commissioned event photographers for in situ events for Scarlet Macaw Trips, including “Hit Publish, Cartagena Retreat.” Archived and managed images for marketing and web presence

Produced group trips and commissioned event photographers for in situ events for Scarlet Macaw Trips, including “Healing for Healers.” Archived and managed images for marketing and web presence.

Produced group trips and commissioned event photographers for in situ events for Scarlet Macaw Trips, including “Healing for Healers.” Archived and managed images for marketing and web presence.


METTA FUND | Story Producer

Photographed, wrote, edited, and designed layout for series of interviews with 10 elders living in the Bay Area during pre-pandemic and during COVID19 to assess how programs funded by Metta Fund were contributing to their wellbeing. Facilitated shoo…

Photographed, wrote, edited, and designed layout for series of interviews with 10 elders living in the Bay Area during pre-pandemic and during COVID19 to assess how programs funded by Metta Fund were contributing to their wellbeing. Facilitated shoots on site of elders, interviewed, and photographed.

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Interviewed, wrote, and commissioned + edited photos for five organizational grantees of Metta Fund who have provided support for elders during Covid-19.

Interviewed, wrote, and commissioned + edited photos for five organizational grantees of Metta Fund who have provided support for elders during Covid-19.

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Video production

Wrote and produced series of interviews with ex-pats living in Colombia for travel brand based in Medellin, Colombia.

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Blogging + photo editing

Managed bloggers and sourced and edited images for web production.

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Marketing + social media management

Sourced influencers and images for social media platforms.

ViewFind | Photo Editor

Member of photo editorial team tasked with aggregating, sourcing, and editing photo essays from photojournalists around the world for a photography startup. 